How to answer the question of
"So, what do you do?"
Maybe you are already familiar with this situation. Especially in the early days after a move, you like to take every opportunity to meet new people and expand your network. Be it at a classic networking event or at a barbecue with friends of friends. At some point, there comes a moment that is dreaded by many who do not yet feel at home in their new role and their new environment yet. The question of „So, what do you do?“
Especially for traditional expat couples where one has paused his career to accompany the other, this politely interesting question can cause a sinking feeling in the stomach. For many who are usually quick-witted, no brief answer comes across their lips. While the working partner only needs to mention the company name and maybe the current position to kick-start the conversation, it is more difficult for the partner who does not yet have these practical labels on hand. You could go on and on about what you were doing before the move, what it was like to take a break from your job, how busy you are right now with arriving and feeling at home, and that you are doing nothing but unpacking boxes or eagerly waiting for boxes to unpack. One could tell that one would very much like to continue working but the integration into the new and unknown labor market raises doubts. The only thing is that this answer is too long, too intimate, and requires a lot of space for the quick introduction round. A concise answer seems more appropriate, but it also leads to the fact that the other person hardly learns anything about you and it is more difficult to start a conversation.
Your 3 months coaching program
Let’s get your journey started. I guide you through the jungle of question marks and give you the space you need to reflect and acknowledge your real career purpose.

The elevator pitch as part of your toolkit
In the business world, we often talk about an elevator pitch. This refers to a short description of a person or often a business idea or product. Short enough that you could explain a business idea in a short elevator ride and striking enough to arouse interest in the other person. In short concise sentences, explain not only what the product can do, but why it is better than other products, what pressing problem it solves, and how the other person could get involved in this great business. The personal introduction at a networking event or even at a private dinner party can be somewhat compared to this Elevator Pitch. The only difference is that in the Elevator Pitch, numerous people participated in the formulation, intensive market research was done, and the exact words were fine-tuned.
What you can learn from the Elevator Pitch
A pitch in the economic context has been rehearsed for a long time and has a declared goal, while the private pitch, i.e. the personal introduction, usually happens spontaneously and is rarely accompanied by a declared goal. However, preparation and goal statement are exactly the two ingredients you can learn from the business elevator pitch to successfully gain a foothold abroad.
In order to be able to introduce yourself briefly and concisely, you need to be clear about your own values, your plans during your time abroad and your next personal and/or professional steps. Moving abroad is always a time of upheaval and new beginnings. At the same time, it is also a time of transitions and waiting. Waiting for work permits, moving containers, kindergarten places, and the one job offer. Especially during this time, the personal introduction should also be seen as an opportunity. It is the ideal opportunity not only to get to know other people but also to consciously address one’s plans.

Prep together: Practice rounds of introductions
In order to communicate confidently here, a lot of reflection is required. What is important to me personally? What do I want to be perceived for? What interests and competencies do I like to communicate?
Besides reflection, practice makes perfect. Some prefer to make notes in a kind of mind map, others try different formulations and record them as a voice memo, and still others jump in at the deep end and try a different way of presenting and positioning themselves at every opportunity. This process is fun when managed well but can also be overwhelming as it triggers a lot of unexpected emotions. If you wish for support, my 3-months coaching program is the perfect fit for you! We tackle the topic of elevator pitches together, gain clarity about the desired future, and practice communicating it verbally. This way, your own introduction at the next dinner party becomes an opportunity to open possible doors and another important step towards settling down abroad.

My pitch
So reflection and practice are key! What feels wired at the beginning will be very authentic with time as long as you are staying true to yourself and investing time and energy in the reflection process. In case you do not know me and this is the first article you are reading from me, let me introduce myself to you with a quick elevator pitch 🙂
My name is Kate. I am dedicated to the topic of career planning for expat partners. While my professional background was in business development and marketing, and during that time I was able to experience several professional overseas assignments, I found myself in the traditional role of the expat partner in Chicago a couple of years ago. During this time, I experienced firsthand the expat partner identity struggle and met many highly qualified women with the same issues. After extensive research and training, I set up my own business as a coach helping women around the world to re-enter the workforce after moving countries or becoming a mum. I offer individual coaching, ebooks, and the so-called Mastermind Groups to equip the expat partner with the right toolset.
About the 1:1 coaching program
Ready to work on your elevator pitch? Join the 1:1 coaching program to jumpstart your career and prep yourself for your time abroad in a fun but efficient environment.
- You will gain clarity on your underlying career drivers
- You will have a space for you to think, reflect, and prioritize yourself
- You will learn how to communicate your strengths and turn them into action
- You will regain the feeling of being in charge and in full alignment with your values
- You will feel on eye level with your partner as family decisions are not only based on his career but both careers
- You will answer the question of “What do you do?” in a networking situation with ease and joy
- You will enjoy a thriving career that is compatible with the challenges and benefits of a global family life
After the coaching sessions, you will have a clear vision of your path ahead and are ready to re-enter the workforce with passion and confidence.
Your 3 months coaching program
Let’s get your journey started. I guide you through the jungle of question marks and give you the space you need to reflect and acknowledge your real career purpose.

So the pitch is one instrument to communicate clearly what you want. It helps you to raise your hand, express your needs and let others help you fulfill your needs and be of support.
Need more clarity on the first steps on puting your elevator pitch together? Send me a private message to info@sharethelove.blog and let’s chat.
If you seek the community of others I am inviting you to my monthly (free of charge) global coffee dates where you can connect with other women around the globe in very similar situations and you can practice different forms of introducing yourself to others.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Always happy to hear from you and support you in your journey!