A German in the US

In this section, I reveal all the funny, disturbing and shameful moments you live through when experiencing another culture. In my case it’s the German narrowed mindset focused on efficiency that is challenged with the American „everything is amazing and achievable“ attitude. 

US vs. Europe

Self-marketing in the US

The Americans are masters in showing what they have got! Not so easy for a shy German. 


How different will it be might you think…Well I tell you. 

Holding hands & shopping tampons

The longeryou live in a country the more you realize the smaller differences. I picked 3 random things from daily life. 

US vs. europe

Self-marketing in the US

The Americans are masters in showing what they have got! Not so easy for a shy German. 


How different will it be might you think…Well I tell you. 


The longeryou live in a country the more you realize the smaller differences. I picked 3 random things from daily life. 

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Quick Steps to Re-enter the workforce

Re-entering the job market after a longer career break can be a daunting task. Many people who take time off from their careers for various reasons such as raising a family, caring for a loved one, or pursuing further education can find it difficult to re-enter the workforce. This is because the job market is constantly evolving, and the skills and experience that were once valuable may no longer be relevant. However, there are ways to succeed in re-entering the job market and I am sharing them here in this blog post and in my free guide book. 

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Support services for accompanying partners abroad

The well-being of the accompanying partner on traditional corporate assignments is not only in the interest of the partner and the family but also in the interest of the company sending the family abroad. Countless studies show that a struggling accompanying partner is causing a higher ratio of earlier returns or unsuccessful postings. In this blog post, I am covering the different aspects of company support. You will learn what kinds of support aspects you might be able to receive and motivates you to take your own adjustment abroad seriously.

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Changing values in the job market 2023

The beginning of the year is always a time for reflection and it is therefore not surprising that many people also consider whether their current job or employer still suits them. In today’s blog post, I summarize a few interesting facts from a Europe-wide HR study on changing core values of employees. This will give you a good feeling of where you stand compared to others – even when you are thinking about re-entering the job market, these facts are very helpful to get a feeling for the new value construct of the job market 2023.

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The secret ingredient that turns a profession into a vocation

In psychology, many scholars have already addressed the question of what the difference is between a profession and a vocation and why people who are lucky enough to have found their vocation are so much more fulfilled in their lives. In this blog post, I’ll give you insight into the fundamental distinction between a profession and a vocation, and let you in on the secret ingredient discovered through research that turns a profession into a vocation.

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Turning a hobby into a profession: A check in 2-years later

In this blog post, our first role model Leonie looks back on her professional path over the last two years and allows us to have a peek into her personal journey to turn a hobby into a profession. She shares her learnings as well her passion projects for 2023. As many of you loved this portrait I am so happy to be able to present a follow up to you!

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How repatriation triggers an identity shift affecting your career plans

What happens to my own self-perception when we pack our bags as a family and move back to our Passport Country? For many women, especially those who had paused their career, this moment is often the impulse to re-enter the labor market as a matter of course. For many, the question arises: what does the move mean for myself? For my career plans and personal future? In this blog post, I provide insights into what changes from a psychological perspective and what the return to work means.

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