Expat statistics: How many are we?
Interested in some Expat Statistics?
Recently I started wondering how many Expats and Expat Wives are currently living abroad. After some research I found a couple of surveys from different years and conducted by surveying major companies worldwide. The surveys from different years show some minor but very interesting trends – especially in regards to female Expats and Expat partners. I have put together a small Infographic with the key finding. Let me know what you think about it.
Expat statistics: key facts
My first insight: Corporate transferees are only 4% of all Expats working and living abroad. While there are over 50 Million Expats, only 8.4 Millionare defined as corporate transferees. This number is expected to grow further.
The number of female Expats is rising: While 2012 there were only 20% female Expats sent abroad by companies this figure has risen to 25% in the last couple of years. It is expected to grow further since it is a vital career step to take.
Rather obvious fact: Going abroad is mostly a family decision. 70% of all corporate transferees are married or partnered.
However most noteworthy: The fear of potential unemployment for the partner is real!
27% of all Expats are leaving their family behind to not risk the professional life of the partner. This is seen as a major trend leading to shorter time periods abroad.
Only 20% of all Expat partners/spouses have been working before AND during their time abroad while the majority of 49% was not able/allowed to find a job again.
Considering this figure with the total number of male Expats living abroad together with their family, that results in 1.5 Million women who quit their job due to the relocation of their husband.
Another interesting fact: The question wether the partner will have a job abroad will get bigger. 33% of the companies questioned see this factor rising in importance.
Companies are aware of the fact that the partner plays a crucial role in the decision process of going abroad or not.
Last but not least: „Family related issues“ is the most common reason for Expat failure and an early return home.
Want some good vibes in your mail?
all key expat figures in one graphic

What do you think about the Expat Statistics? Let me know!
I hope you find this overview helpful.
My two major sources have been the Global Mobility Trends Survey by BGRS from different years and the free summary of Global Expatriates by Finaccord.
Have you found other interesting figures?
Let me know in the comments below or send me a direct mail to info@sharethelove.blog.
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Have you seen my other posts about being an Expat Wife? Check out my latest blog post here. Thanks for stopping by and sharing the love!
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5 Antworten
Hello Kate;
I stumbled on your blog in connection with writing an international business textbook. Your blog is a treasure! I have one question: You write „Corporate transferees are only 4% of all Expats working and living abroad. While there are over 50 Million Expats, only 8.4 Millionare defined as corporate transferees.“ I have difficulties understanding what you write. If the total is 50 million 4% equals 2 million and not 8.4 million. What is it that I misunderstand? And does „expat“ also include „inpats“? After all, they are also corporate transferees albeit in the opposite directions as would be transferees from one subsidiary to another subsidiary located in a different country.
Thank you!
Hello Arieh, thanks a lot for your comment! I dug into this research again and it seems like the survey draws the percentage of a total of 231Mio expats. I have asked them for a definition to clear things up because they are also talking about a total of 50 Mio expats and hope to get an answer! I have linked the source if you want to take a look for yourself – it’s the Finaccrod study. About your other question: In my definition and what I have read so far Inpats are also expats. I guess the distinction makes sense from a corporate point of view but inpats are equally living abroad in another country like expats. So expats include inpats. Hope that makes sense to you. If you want to discuss further let’s connect via mail info@sharethelove.blog or let’s have a conversation via zoom. Would love to know more about your work! Thank you! Kate
There are really great stats, thanks for sharing! The most interesting one I found was that only 20% of expat spouses are working overseas.