new roots, mastermind program, expat partner, coaching, woman

Flourishing Abroad: Introducing the "New Roots" Expat Partner Support Program

Text by: Kate von Knobloch

Discover the „New Roots“ program, your sanctuary of support and enrichment as you begin your life in a new country. Designed specifically for expat partners, this program will assist you in adapting to new cultures and building a fulfilling life in your new home. Read on to explore how I can help you navigate this exciting journey.

Are you gearing up to start a new chapter in a foreign land?

Embarking on a life in a foreign land has always been an exhilarating yet challenging adventure. If you’re preparing to start a fresh chapter as an expat partner, you might be feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. From my personal experience, I understand that adapting to a new environment and overcoming culture shock can sometimes be overwhelming. But fear not, I’m here to guide you through this transition with the „New Roots“ program, a beacon of support and development tailored just for you. The whole „expat partner“ term itself might be feeling unfamiliar to you. There are several terms people are using: accompanying spouse, expat, trailing spouse… In my practice I prefer the term expat partner, as this person is absolutely an expat moving to another country, creating a home abroad but there is also this additional challenge of not coming to a prepared job desk and agenda. There is much more room for unanswered questions for the accompanying spouse (Should I work? Will I be able to work? Either way, what will my professional CV look like after returning?… To name just a few). 


So typically, many feel a bit uncertain and are looking for guidance, orientation or at least a bit of fun within a supporting group of others. That’s why I created the New Roots Program

Unveiling the "New Roots" Expat Partner Support Program: Your Companion in the Expat Journey

I’ve created the „New Roots“ program to be your companion as you navigate the ups and downs of living abroad. The program itself has the perfect length: Not too short so that you feel empowered in the beginning but lost along the way and not too long to kick off your journey asap. 

Here's a glimpse into the topics we will explore together, designed to ease your transition and foster a fulfilling life in your new home:

1. Understanding and Navigating Culture Shock

Moving to a new country can be quite a shock at first. In this section, we’ll tackle strategies to help you adapt and flourish in your new cultural setting, turning potential challenges into opportunities for growth.

2. Interpersonal Communication

Strengthening your relationship with your partner is at the heart of this segment. We will work on fostering healthy and effective communication strategies, promoting harmony and understanding in your journey together.

3. Career Development in a New Country

Whether you’re looking to continue your career or start anew in your new home, this module offers you personalized strategies to pave a successful path in your professional life abroad.

4. Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

Here, we’ll focus on identifying your core values and strengths, and setting personal goals that align with your aspirations as an expat partner, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.

5. Building a Supportive Community

Creating a network of support in your new home is essential. Learn simple yet effective tips and methods to build a sense of community, making your transition abroad smoother and more enjoyable.

6. Facing New Challenges with Resilience

Equip yourself with strategies to face the unique challenges that come with living abroad, building a resilience that will help you thrive in any situation.

Your Guided Journey to a Fulfilling Expat Life

As someone who has walked this path, I understand that the journey of an expat partner is unique. The „New Roots“ program is here to be your supportive companion, offering a space where we can share our experiences openly, learn from each other, and build new, enriching lives abroad. Together, we will rediscover your strengths and craft a beautiful new beginning in your new home.

Join Me in Embarking on this Exciting Expat Journey!

I am eager to guide you in creating a nurturing and inclusive space where we can grow and find happiness together in this exciting expat journey. Embrace the joy of expat partner support as we embark on this transformative adventure together.

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Step into a world brimming with possibilities and set the stage for a successful journey abroad with the "New Roots" program. I look forward to fostering a collaborative space that facilitates smoother transitions and more rewarding experiences as an expat partner. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards a brighter and more fulfilling future abroad.

Looking forward to this journey with you!

Kate from Share the Love, expat, expat wife, expat life

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Ebook for the accompanying partner

Quitting your job and joining your partner abroad does not need to end your professional career. Learn what options you have and how to define what you really want during your time abroad. Make it to your own personal journey and get the most out of it!


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