Thank you for your interest in sharing your story with the sharethelove community!

In the spirit of SharetheLove, I strongly believe in the potential of sharing stories. They motivate others who feel insecure and alone and show possibilities. 

In order to provide real value to our readers, this format is not a straightforward interview format. I am aiming for a portrait of you, your personality, your struggles and your personal solution. The more open you are willing to share the bigger the effect on others who are feeling lost and overlooked. If you are interested to share, please fill out this short form below. It will help me to get a bit of an understanding of you as a person. As a next step, we will arrange a 1:1 phone or video call (as you prefer) to discuss your journey of finding professional happiness abroad. Before publishing your story there will be 2 feedback loops where you can make changes or pause the publishing process!


Tell me something about you: