How coaching helped me to become a happier expat
I want to share with you how coaching helped me to become a happier Expat / Expat Partner and hope it will help you as well in the case you are sometimes struggling.
How I got introduced to coaching
I have a background in marketing and consulting, and the only coaching I knew was a business coaching that prepared me for my next role. I really liked the possibility to reflect and enjoyed having a sparring partner or if you want to put it like that a sounding board. Someone, I could tell all my struggles, who offered me not direct advice but triggered my thinking with open questions and introductions to some techniques and modules. In the end, I was able to find my own answers to my questions. After that, I did not think about coaching any longer and was busy rising the ladder in the corporate world.
When I moved abroad one of the biggest questions for me was: How/When can I enter the foreign job market. While some obvious possibilities did not work out as planned some new options, such as pursuing my entrepreneurial spirit became a possible path to follow. I was kind of lost in the process, and my mind was the opposite of clear thinking and consistent. One day I wanted to go back to the safe corporate career path and the other day I felt confident enough to try it on my own. In this time I met a career coach at an event and only with some open questions she managed to shift some underlying beliefs I had in my head that prevented me from going through with what I really wanted. Even weeks and months later I was amazed that only this short conversation helped me so much. It was one of those key moments you won’t forget your whole life.

How I started my coaching business
I could not stop thinking about the potential of coaching for the whole expat community. So I began to research about how to become a coach and was shocked to realize that this profession is not protected. Technically you won’t need any training nor certification to call yourself a coach and take on some clients. In my mind, this just felt so wrong. Coaching can be life changing, and people are changing their course of life because of a couple of sessions. In my opinion, a coach has way too much a responsibility to start his or her coaching business immediately without being lectured about the consequences or develop the right tool-set to use.
So I started my coaching education at the International Coach Academy. It was essential to me to be trained digitally and in an international setting. I found both in the training concept of the International Coach Academy, and I am happy to be still in contact with great coaches and trainers all around the world.
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My life as a coach
I have the feeling that coaching is getting more and more popular. People are more ready to invest in their mental fitness rather than only going to the gym. I loved to see that development and wished I myself would have started to invest in my personal development earlier rather than going just to the gym focusing on my body. A reflective mind is so important to cope with our daily lives, and it is not something that we should take for granted or that comes for free.
I realized that coaching is an ongoing learning, so I spend a lot of time reading about different modules (old and new) and connect with others to grow in my profession.
The greatest luxury for me is that I am not restricted by any boarders. All I need to do my work is a laptop and a strong internet connection. Most of my clients prefer to book the session in a telephone format. Some prefer to have the session over a video connection. Both mediums are working great in coaching! My client base is very internationally so the different time zones could mean an early start or late evening for me but I love the possibility to connect with great humans all around the world!

My life as a coach
I have the feeling that coaching is getting more and more popular. People are more ready to invest in their mental fitness rather than only going to the gym. I loved to see that development and wished I myself would have started to invest in my personal development earlier rather than going just to the gym focusing on my body. A reflective mind is so important to cope with our daily lives, and it is not something that we should take for granted or that comes for free.
I realized that coaching is an ongoing learning, so I spend a lot of time reading about different modules (old and new) and connect with others to grow in my profession.
The greatest luxury for me is that I am not restricted by any boarders. All I need to do my work is a laptop and a strong internet connection. Most of my clients prefer to book the session in a telephone format. Some prefer to have the session over a video connection. Both mediums are working great in coaching! My client base is very internationally so the different time zones could mean an early start or late evening for me but I love the possibility to connect with great humans all around the world!

Do you want to book a coaching session?
Would you like to book a coaching with me? Just fill out this short questionnaire and I will send you a personalized offer, according to your needs, via email. The offer is non-binding and gives you a good overview of the possible number of hours, resources I will provide you with and the price point.
Building up your own support network is an important step to not only reach your goal but also to understand what your goal might be in the first place. The systematic coaching enables you to individually address your own story and show a very personal way of solving your problems. It is about giving you space to reflect and to find out what is the right path for you and how you can shape this path.
In my coaching sessions I always work with a mix of proven coaching exercises which I provide you with in advance as a workbook, and a specific questioning methodology to find out what is holding you back and what in contrast will be your motivation.

Please fill out this short questionnaire so I can draft you a personalized offer:
Would love to know what experiences you made with coaching and if you have any further questions!
Thanks for sharing the love and stopping by

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