Going to the dentist: Germany vs. the US

In my mind, you have officially and to 100% moved abroad when you stopped going to the hairdresser and dentist on your yearly visits to your home country 🙂 In my case, it was heavy pain that forced me to say goodbye to the idea of going to my doctors during the next Christmas.
In this blog post, I want to share with you some of the things I realized are pretty different about this visit to the dentist. I would love to learn from your experience. Please comment below what happened to you and if you can resonate with the differences I realized.
Where are you coming from?

Recently, I discovered something amusing about the way Americans introduce themselves to me.
When talking with Americans, I often hear them saying „Oh, I am also German/Italian/Dutch…“
Read my latest Monday Thoughts.
Overcoming the cultural barrier

Cultural difference in the work environment and job application process is only one of the many obstacles Expat Partners face. However, it’s a great obstacle to overcome as you work on it straight away.
Holding hands, dogs and shopping tampons: The German in US column

The longer you live in a country the more you realize the smaller differences in culture. I picked 3 random smaller things from daily life that amused me over the last weeks. Let me know what you think and if you experienced similar moments!
How life abroad as an Expat Partner changed my life in a positive way

Becoming the Expat Partner is not only about dependency and change in a stressful way but also offers great and unique value. Learn more about how Expat life will change your life in a positive and sustainable way.
Where is home?

Being in three different countries over the last couple of days I got inspired by the question of „Where is home“. Here is my point of view on this topic and I would love to learn more about your opinion.
Going to the gynecologist in the US (compared to Germany)

When you are moving abroad it’s funny how many small things in daily life start to become a big event. For me visiting the gynecologist was one of these moments. In this article, I describe a little bit of my routine visit last week to give you some insights on how different our cultures are in these daily life situations. For my male readership: I know that’s TMI, but if you are curious keep on reading 🙂
How to stay in contact with loved ones during an Expat assignment

Staying in touch can be hard when living abroad. I reveal my top communication tips to feel closer to friends and family back home. Would love to hear your thoughts on that.
The Expat-Relationship. A real test!

An expat assignment is a tough time as it throws both partners into cold water but due to work in different „buckets“. Read about my personal experience and how to communicate with your partner.
What to do when feeling grumpy abroad

Have you felt grumpy in your new surrounding as an Expat? While in everyone’s life there are good and bad days, some triggers are more intense due to the new foreign surrounding.
Self-marketing overseas: The overwhelming American business culture and how to cope with it

So what are the core differences in our private and business culture? How vital is self-marketing in the American business culture? And how can I as an Expat adopt to my new surrounding in order to be perceived as a valuable and competent business partner?
Oh, Sweet Expat Life – the Beauty and the Beast

After 8 months in my new Expat Life I would like to take the opportunity to summarize the good, the bad and the ugly. As an Expat Wife I guess I have some insights for you.